150 ANNI D'ARTE A CASCINA - Arte e Design
Venerdì 19 novembre, nell’ambito dell’evento “Arte e Design” organizzato per i 150 anni della scuola, Roberto Lazzeroni, design di fama nazionale ha incontrato gli studenti del triennio indirizzo design nella sala della Banca di Pescia e Cascina. Lazzeroni ha frequentato la nostra scuola per poi proseguire con gli studi di Arte e architettura a Firenze.
Dopo aver fatto una breve introduzione sul suo percorso professionale e sul suo concetto di design, ha illustrato attraverso immagini i suoi prodotti e le collaborazioni con le più importanti aziende italiane: Frau, Giorgetti, Baxter, Lema, Flexform, ha concluso con Ceccotti Collezioni a cui lo lega un particolare rapporto. Il design ha interagito con i partecipanti per circa due ore, è stata un’esperienza interessante e formativa per i nostri studenti.
Scritto dalla prof.ssa Monica Cei
Roberto Lazzeroni was born in Pisa, the town where he has chosen to live and to work. His professional training is the result of studies – Art and Architecture in Florence. From the beginning ha has always shown an interest both in the phenomena of the world of conceptual art and the ones of radical design.
In the early 80’s he started to be interested in industrial and interior design, a specialization which he defines as “fundamental” for the following approach to the world of the “industrial product”.
A fine connoisseur of the history of design and its related signs, he is very skillful to put daily into practice this knowledge. Talking about his own projects, Lazzeroni uses the expression of “sentimental design”; it is indeed easy, even for an untrained eye, to see the tension between past and future in this works. This trend is nowadays defined as “transitive design”.
The signs of past are somehow recognizable; they are clearly worked out again and the outcome ia a real and balanced tension between past and future. Lazzeroni’s background and his way to understand design have caused his specialization an Art direction.
Today the works especially at the “total concept” which is hidden behind the birth of a trademark. After the experience with Ceccotti Collezioni which started in 1988, today Lazzeroni has started to collaborate also with many others important firms. All experiences where he is directly responsible of every aspect linked to the birth and the development of a firm.
A very “dinamic” career with some precise costants that show Roberto Lazzeroni always involved in two different directions: his studies and his professional interests which have made of him an undisputed protagonist of important exhibitions, and his approach to a design that is absolutely integrated in the everyday reality of interior space.
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