Unità didattica a cura della prof.ssa Mariangela Lo Faro
Bassorilievo di Federico Grifagno, classe 4 A, Serale Pisa
Boreas is an oil painting in the Pre-Raphaelite style created in 1903 by John William Waterhouse. The painting is titled Boreas, after the Greek god of the north wind and it shows a young girl buffeted by the wind. The 1904 Royal Academy notes described the subject of the painting as:
Boreas was put up for sale in the mid-1990s after having been lost for 90 years - causing quite a sensation in the art community. The painting achieved a record price for Waterhouse at that time, achieving a price £848,500 ($1,293,962USD). tratto da www.wikiart.org
Allievo: Federico Grifagno, classe 4 A, Serale Pisa
Tema: Dal bidimensionale al tridimensionale di un'opera
Titolo: "Borea" John William Water House 1902
Tecnica: bassorilievo in terracotta, acrilico.
Referente: Prof.ssa Mariangela Lo Faro
- https://www.pinterest.it/pin/540080180308993394/?lp=true
- https://www.settemuse.it/pittori_scultori_europei/john_william_waterhouse.htm
- http://www.artchive.com/web_gallery/J/John-William-Waterhouse/The-Crystal-Ball-1902.html
- https://www.didatticarte.it/Blog/?p=10169
- https://www.pitturiamo.com/it/quadro-moderno/borea-70x100cm-34811.html
- https://ilforumdellemuse.forumfree.it/?t=56610675
- http://www.artspecialday.com/9art/2016/04/06/le-donne-di-waterhouse-il-preraffaellita-moderno/
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